Serve the Community as an NCRIC Healthcare/Public Health Partner

JOIN the NCRIC as a Healthcare/Public Health Partner

The NCRIC serves as a focal point in the Northern District of California for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of public health and law enforcement information between the federal government and state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT), and private sector partners.

The NCRIC is uniquely situated to empower frontline public health, hospital, law enforcement, public safety, fire service, emergency response, critical infrastructure protection, and private sector security personnel to understand local implications of national and regional intelligence sharing, thus enabling local officials to better protect and mitigate threats to their communities.

The NCRIC provides interdisciplinary expertise and situational awareness to inform decision-making at all levels of government. We collect data, perform data analysis and facilitate information sharing while assisting public health, law enforcement, and homeland security partners in preventing, protecting against, and responding to drug overdoses, human trafficking, threats to public officials, crime, terrorism, and emergent diseases.

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Healthcare/Public Health Membership Qualifications

The federal definition of “Healthcare/Public Health” will be followed, e.g., infectious and communicable diseases, food and water safety, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, pharmacy, laboratory, immunization, government hospitals, etc.

The standards for membership with the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, as a Healthcare/Public Health Partner are based on both a "right" and a "need" to know sensitive information connected to public safety (information that has been categorized as "For Official Use Only," or commonly referred to as "FOUO").

It is vitally important that members of the healthcare/public health sector have access to information generated or obtained by the NCRIC that will assist them in more effectively accomplishing their day-to-day responsibilities. It is equally important that those that do not have a similar responsibility, or moreover a legitimate need to access "FOUO" information, do not obtain it.

As such, these standards are in place to provide the NCRIC staff with the ability to share sensitive information and to ensure that the information is provided to only those who need it and should receive it. Further, these standards are designed with the protection of HIPAA, civil liberties, and civil rights in mind, as well as to safeguard active law enforcement investigations and public safety efforts.

To qualify as a Healthcare/Public Health Partner, the applicant must be currently employed by a government agency or affiliated with a government agency through an executed contract and must serve in a public health function, i.e. EMT, paramedic, health/hospital emergency manager, communicable/infectious disease, behavioral health and recovery (addiction), environmental health.

In addition, employees of agencies that are affiliates of the Centers for Disease Control and associated laboratories are also included. If you work in the healthcare/public health sector and are not associated with a government organization, you are eligible for membership with the NCRIC as a Private Sector Partner. Click here to access the Private Sector Partner Membership application.

Membership Application Process

Prior to being granted membership with the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC), all Healthcare/Public Health Partners shall undergo a background review. During this process employment verification will be obtained, as well as the applicant's current standing with the organization that he or she represents.

As part of the application process, the applicant will be asked to submit an electronic Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) which addresses the proper handling of sensitive or controlled information provided to the applicant by the NCRIC. Online training is provided as part of this process. The NDA will be maintained as part of the applicant's file.

Terrorism Liaison Officer Program

A Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) is any active peace officer, firefighter, state investigator, federal agent, military investigative personnel, or anyone working closely within the public safety/homeland security community, who has been properly certified by the appropriate Regional Threat Assessment Center (RTAC) or Regional Intelligence Center (RIC). The mission of a TLO is to serve as a conduit of information between members of the public safety community, public/private sector, citizenry, and the US Government, in the fight against terrorism.

NCRIC Medical Liaison Officer

To learn more about the NCRIC and the benefits of membership, contact NCRIC Medical Liaison Officer Carl Hess at [email protected].

The Benefits of Membership

The Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) law enforcement program is provided as a free public service, designed to enhance communication and information sharing between law enforcement, public safety organizations, and the private sector. The NCRIC law enforcement program, which is one of the most progressive of its type in the nation, offers many benefits designed to meet the needs of our membership to include:

  • Direct communication with a law enforcement intelligence center and the National Fusion Center Enterprise
  • Regularly published situational awareness and informational bulletins (Partner Update Briefs-PUB)
  • Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) training and the associated program
  • Access to sensitive "For Official Use Only" (FOUO) information which has been developed and provided to reduce risk and vulnerability to Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR)
  • Support from the NCRIC CIKR Unit
  • Participation in classified DHS briefing (Must possess a valid security clearance to participate)
  • Event-specific situational awareness briefings
  • Participation in the National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) initiative
  • Access to suspicious activity reported in the NCRIC area of responsibility
  • Direct communication with the NCRIC medical liaison officer
  • Participation in information sharing meetings
  • Low or no-cost training opportunities
  • Access to the NCRIC members-only secure website and associated resources
  • Membership in the National Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)
  • Networking opportunities with other members of the public safety community