The NCRIC serves as a focal point in the Northern District of California—comprised of 13 counties from Monterey to Del Norte at the northern border—for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between the federal government and state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT), and private sector partners.
The NCRIC is uniquely situated to empower frontline law enforcement, public safety, fire service, emergency response, public health, critical infrastructure assets, and private sector security personnel to understand local implications of national intelligence, enabling us to better protect our communities. The NCRIC provides interdisciplinary expertise and situational awareness to inform decision-making at all levels of government.
We conduct analysis and facilitate information sharing while assisting law enforcement and homeland security partners in preventing, protecting against, and responding to crime and terrorism.

The standards for membership with the NCRIC Private Sector Partner Program are based on both a "right" and a "need" to know sensitive information connected to public safety (information categorized as "For Official Use Only," or FOUO).
It is vitally important that members of the private sector, tasked with safeguarding critical infrastructure and key resources, have access to information generated or obtained by the NCRIC that will assist them in more effectively accomplishing their day-to-day responsibilities.
Standards are in place to facilitate the ability of the NCRIC to share sensitive information, while ensuring it is provided to only those who have a need to know . Importantly, these standards are designed to protect civil liberties and civil rights, as well as to safeguard active law enforcement investigations and public safety efforts.

Prior to being granted membership with the NCRIC, all Private Sector Partner applicants shall undergo a background review. During this process, a determination will be made as to the applicant's need for membership, as well as the applicant's current standing with the organization or employer that he or she represents. The applicant must meet the above-listed occupational standards and be in good standing with his or her employer or organization to qualify for membership.
During the application process, the applicant will be asked to disclose any criminal history. This includes any felony or misdemeanor conviction that has occurred within the last 7 years. A felony and/or serious misdemeanor conviction, or failure to disclose a conviction, is grounds for automatic denial or termination of membership. Misdemeanor convictions will be evaluated based on the circumstance of the criminal activity.
To qualify for membership as a NCRIC Private Sector Partner, you must be a citizen or a legal permanent resident of the United States of America.
During the application process, the applicant will be asked to submit an electronic Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) and review the proper procedures pertaining to the handling of sensitive or controlled information.
The applicant's employer will be contacted during the background process. Any discrepancies identified during the background investigation will be discussed with the applicant. The applicant will be notified via email when his or her application has been processed and membership has been approved or denied.
All membership applications are processed by the NCRIC Private Sector Outreach Program Manager. The NCRIC reserves the right to determine suitability for participation in the Private Sector Partner Program. A denied membership can be appealed in writing. To file an appeal or for any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Director of Private Sector Engagement, Kim Pratt at [email protected].

The NCRIC's Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) capability is designed to assist public and private entities to identify, assess, prioritize, and protect critical infrastructure and key resources.
The CIP unit has the responsibility of inventorying Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) throughout the region, cataloging dependencies and interdependencies, assessing risks, prioritizing resources based on risk, and reducing vulnerability while determining the consequences of potential attacks on CIKR.
Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7
16-Critical Sectors: